Total Matching Records found : 12633

Reforms Initiated under RTE Act

-Press Information Bureau The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 has brought in several reform processes. States/UTs have inter-alia brought out notifications prohibiting corporal punishment, detention and board examinations in elementary education. The National Council for Teachers’ Education (NCTE) has laid down teacher qualifications and 22 States/UTs have conducted Teacher Eligibility Tests to improve the quality of teaching. In order to ensure free and compulsory education for...

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Sanitation Facilities in Girls’ Schools

-Press Information Bureau The enrollment of girls in schools has shown a considerable increase. As per School Education Statistics (SES) in 2005-06 the enrollment of girls was 6.16 crore in primary schools (class I- V), 2.33 crore in upper primary schools (class VI-VIII) and 1.61 crore in secondary and senior secondary schools (class IX-XII) which has increased to 6.48 crore, 2.92 crore and 2.29 crore respectively in 2010-11 as per SES...

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Bengal's starvation village back in focus -Sujay Khanra

-The Times of India MIDNAPORE: Three days after TOI reported on the plight of Amlashole villager Malati Shabar, the Mamata Banerjee government sent officials to the poverty-stricken village with food. Malati is the daughter of Somay Shabar, who had died of starvation along with her sister Sombari in 2004. TOI had reported on Saturday that Malati was also in dire straits and fighting hunger pangs. The government on Tuesday ordered an inquiry into...

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Bihar govt to probe in misuse of Rs 5,900-cr NREGA funds Bihar Rural development Minister Nitish Mishra on Monday ordered an inquiry into the allegations that nearly 73 per cent of the funds allotted for implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in 38 districts of Bihar, between 2006 and 2012, have been embezzled by authorities "The department will inquire into the corruption and will conduct physical verification of all facts related to the scheme," Mishra said. The Bihar government...

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PWD makes trees choke on concrete -Jayashree Nandi

-The Times of India If you are worried about trees facing a hostile environment in the city, here is some more grim news. Many old trees across the city are struggling to survive as their roots are being choked by concrete. One such stretch is on Press Enclave Road where a number of Alstonia or Saptaparni trees are getting choked with concrete and cement tiles as part of Delhi government's pavement...

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