-Scroll.in But study of the pilot scheme also finds that 67% of respondents now prefer cash transfers. In three Union territories where the government is running an experimental project to distribute cash instead of subsidised foodgrains, a third of beneficiaries surveyed said they either had not received any money at all (with or without proof) or did not know if they had received it. This despite government claims that 99% of...
No tax refund, no working capital: How GST is hurting Indian exporters -Mayank Jain
-Scroll.in Exporters claim that delays in refunds under the new tax code has tied up a substantial amount of their money, thus harming their businesses. Delays in processing tax refunds under the new Goods and Services Tax regime has locked up the funds of exporters, hurting their businesses and affecting their ability to be competitive in international markets. On September 19, a delegation of exporters met Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia, who is...
More »India now has 3rd highest number of cancer cases among women -Sushmi Dey
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Cancer cases as well as mortality are increasing rapidly among Indian women, primarily because of low awareness and late detection. India accounts for the third highest number of cancer cases among women after China and the US, growing annually at 4.5-5%, new data shows. According to a report 'Call for Action: Expanding cancer care for women in India, 2017', cancer among women in India is estimated...
More »Forget fast growth, India is barely holding on. Just look at the data -Chaitanya Kalbag
-The Economic Times Those of us in our sixties, including our prime minister, will remember the goli soda. You used a little wooden gizmo to push in a marble stuck in the mouth of a bottle and guzzled the sweet, fizzy drink with the marble dancing around inside. Then you felt full and happy. But it was mostly gas. It’s feeling a lot like that these days, and PM Narendra Modi must...
More »Centre to police: Nudge people to achieve goals of demonetisation -Srinath Rao
-The Indian Express The move came about, the letter mentions, during a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on August 25, 2017, where it was found that proof of pending recommendations being implemented was present only on paper. Mumbai: The Union Home Ministry has written to police forces across the country to assess their efforts to encourage citizens to move to cashless transactions and curb fake currency and...
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