-Sify News A single bamboo stick holds the thatched roof together, the discoloured floor serves as both bench and chair, the kids sit in neat rows and a man sits on a printed mattress. It is from humble rooms like this that a quiet education revolution is unravelling in this eastern Uttar Pradesh district that was associated in public memory not long ago for alleged involvement of some of its youth...
Two voices on Lokpal by Archis Mohan
A communications expert who advises the Prime Minister and a Harvard law graduate who helped Rahul Gandhi’s team draft the Lokpal bill differed on the need for an anti-corruption ombudsman, as the now-shelved legislation dominated an NRI meet today. Sam Pitroda and G. Mohan Gopal came up with different perspectives on the bill on the second day of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, held every year since 2003 to mark Mahatma Gandhi’s...
More »Five years on, Nandigram feels forgotten & betrayed
-IANS Five years after a movement that catapulted it into the national spotlight and spelt the beginning of the end of the 34-year Left rule, Nandigram is still counting the losses of the bloody anti-land acquisition movement. Development is at a standstill and many of those who had been at the forefront of the movement and lost their family members say they were used as cannon fodder against the mighty Left, which...
More »Sharada Srinivasan, assistant professor in International Development Studies at York University Toronto interviewed by Meenakshi Kumar
She has spent considerable time researching female infanticide. Sharada Srinivasan talks about why elimination of the girl child is prevalent all over the country. Daughter elimination is very much prevalent in Tamil Nadu even if not as intense as in other parts of the country. Sharada Srinivasan, assistant professor in International Development Studies at York University Toronto, has spent a considerable amount of time researching this subject. Her book Daughter Deficit:...
More »AASU waves letter on dam
-The Telegraph The All Assam Students’ Union today said it possessed a letter written by the Arunachal Pradesh government to the NHPC in 2005 asking the power company to suspend work at Lower Subansiri hydel project in the greater interest of that state. The Planning Commission has blamed a “communication gap” between state governments of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, NHPC and the protesters over the ongoing stand-off and said that it could...
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