-The Hindu To ensure transparency, the Union Government had made it mandatory for all State Governments to use the mobile application to record attendance of workers Five months after the Union Government's order making it mandatory to capture attendance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) workers through government mobile application-National Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) at work sites where 20 or more workers are employed, at least three States —...
Damning report surfaces on riots in Delhi -Pheroze L Vincent
-The Telegraph Document accuses Centre of delayed response and alleges the state government had failed in 'civic mediation and statesmanship' New Delhi: A report by a panel of retired judges and a former Union home secretary has accused the central and Delhi governments of “glaring failures of constitutional duties” during and after the February 2020 communal riots in the capital. It has accused the Centre of delayed response and the state government of...
More »‘Low immunity, hard to isolate’: How ageing stray cattle contributed to lumpy skin disease outbreak -Sayantan Bera
-ThePrint.in Free movement of unproductive cattle prone to infections has proven to be a severe challenge in restricting the viral disease and contributed most to mortality load, say experts. New Delhi: Over the past few years, the rising population of stray cattle has been a menace to farmers. In several states in northern India, farmers regularly guard their fields at night and spend thousands on fencing to protect their crops. But the impact...
More »India Needs An Urgent Early Warning System For Landslides, But Challenges Abound -Flavia Lopes
-IndiaSpend.com At present, India is developing an early warning system for landslides, but it is likely to be operational not before 2025 Mumbai: On September 24, a major landslide hit a water pump at Chaba in the Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh and reportedly damaged a pipeline worth Rs 5 crore that supplied water to the district. Earlier in June, relentless rains led to deadly landslides in Manipur's Noney district, killing more...
More »Jharkhand records India's highest percentage of child marriage among girls
-PTI/ The Telegraph The survey is brought out by the office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs Infamous for witchcraft killings, Jharkhand has earned the disrepute of having the highest percentage of underage girls getting married, according to the latest demographic sample survey by the union home ministry. The percentage of girls getting married before attaining majority is as high as 5.8 in Jharkhand, according to the survey...
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