-The Indian Express Ranchi: Over 15 districts spread across Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa saw Durga Puja with a difference this festival season. Instead of the goddess slaying Mahishasur, the usual story of the Puja, this year, tribals and people belonging to Scheduled Castes and backward classes in these districts are celebrating the "demon king" as a non-Aryan inhabitant and a just king of the land, with Durga...
Where knowledge is poor-Krishna Kumar
-The Hindu The role of education in reducing poverty is widely recognised but our planners are yet to realise how the impoverished struggle with a learning process that is unresponsive to their needs In a society where poverty is far more common than prosperity, one would expect the implications of poverty for education to be widely recognised. What we find, instead, is that poverty is seldom mentioned directly in policy documents on...
More »Food inflation: How to decode the onion price puzzle-Usha Tuteja
-The Economic Times It is ironical that food inflation surged to around 18% in August when agriculture is the primary hope in the economy. The culprit was mainly vegetables and, within that, onions. Onions are once again in the news due to steep rise in retail prices by almost 25% in a fortnight. Safal outlets in Delhi have set the price at Rs 60 per kg whereas some other retailers are charging...
More »Efficacy of government health cover scheme Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana under scanner -Vikas Dhoot
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The government is having a rethink about the efficacy of its flagship health insurance scheme, the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), which has earned a lot of critical acclaim from the likes of the World Bank, Harvard University and global think tanks. The scheme offers healthcare benefits worth Rs 30,000 per year to a poor household that can be accessed at empanelled private and public hospitals across...
More »WHO’s to blame? -Kundan Pandey
-Down to Earth This defies logic. Despite rapid economic growth, India has often been placed below sub-Saharan African countries that have very high number of malnourished children. But the government has no data to clarify its position. In the first week of September, Parliament’s Committee on Estimates criticised the government, saying: “The committee is surprised to note that in the modern era of Information and Technology, there is no recent official...
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