-The Hindu In a far-reaching decision, the Rajasthan government has announced that a person below 18 years will be considered as a child labourer if he or she is employed. Accepting the long-pending demand of child rights groups, the government announced a comprehensive standard operating procedure (SOP) for identification, rescue, protection and rehabilitation of children employed in various occupations. The decision has come as a major triumph for advocacy groups seeking the abolition...
Managed care -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline Health activists say the health chapter of the Twelfth Plan document exaggerates the role of the private sector in providing health care. The draft chapter on health for the Twelfth Five Year Plan document not only is grossly inadequate in its approach but exaggerates to unrealistic levels the role of the private sector in providing health care. It invokes the concept of universal health care (UHC), but, critics say, it...
More »Hear The False Ring? -Arindam Mukherjee
-Outlook Why free mobiles to BPL folks is a bad idea “Here you don’t have money to provide them food, and you are thinking of giving them phones,” scoffs a minister in the UPA government, obviously off the record. His comment mirrors the general negative reaction to the ‘Har Haath Mein Phone’ scheme mooted by the Planning Commission, which aims to provide a free mobile phone to each below the poverty line...
More »IGNOU scam runs deeper, pvt firms to offer degrees -Charu Sudan Kasturi
-The Hindustan Times Indira Gandhi National Open University, India’s largest distance learning varsity, allowed over a dozen private firms to offer its degrees and diplomas, violating rules and costing the public exchequer over Rs. 300 crores. The CBI is set to probe a series of MoUs signed by IGNOU under its former Vice Chancellor VN Rajasekharan Pillai with private firms that earned crores offering IGNOU degrees between 2006 and 2011, agency sources said. Pillai,...
More »Minority schools can't dodge RTE-Puja Pednekar
-DNA Now, even private minority unaided schools will have to take in 25% children from the weaker sections. The central government has issued a notification enforcing the latest amendment in the existing Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (2009). Following the notification, the state will soon enforce the amendment across all schools except theological schools such as madrassas and vedic pathshalas. DNA had exclusively reported about the amendment on August...
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