-IndiaToday.in Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has approved Rs 500 crore for the repair and maintenance of school buildings. The chief secretary has been given instructions to carry out the implementation of the same. The instructions state: "To ensure smooth education in all the schools, the work of repairing the schools should be started immediately as soon as the rainy season ends." COMPLAINTS ABOUT STATE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS The chief minister had received information...
Farmers’ suicides increase by 19% in Andhra Pradesh: NCRB
-Deccan Chronicle Visakhapatnam: Farmer suicides in Andhra Pradesh increased by over 19 per cent in 2021 compared to the previous year, as per the latest National Crime Records Bureau Report. The state stood in third place in farmer suicides in the country, the third time in a row, data provided by the NCRB showed. A total of 1,065 people working in the farm sector (farmers, tenant farmers and workers) ended their lives...
More »Abhijit Sen, Leading Economist of Indian Agriculture, Passes Away
-TheWire.in Apart from teaching at JNU, he was a member of the Planning Commission from 2004-2014 and headed the Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices, 1997-2000. New Delhi: Professor Abhijit Sen, a leading expert on the rural economy and a former member of the Planning Commission, died here on Monday night after a brief illness. He was 72 years old. In an academic career spanning over four decades, Sen taught economics at Sussex,...
More »In 2021, over 45K women died by suicide in India, 23,000 of them are housewives: NCRB data -Sharangee Dutta
-Hindustan Times The report found that Tamil Nadu (3,221) accounted for the most number of suicides among housewives, followed by Madhya Pradesh (3,055), and Maharashtra (2,861). As many as 45,026 women killed themselves in 2021 in India with more than 23,000 of them being housewives, the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report said. This comes even as the rate of deaths by suicides across the country during the year peaked to...
More »NCRB Report: Punjab’s suicide rate below national average -Jupinderjit Singh
-The Tribune Figures second in country in deaths due to illicit/ spurious liquor Chandigarh: Suicides in Punjab decreased by about half a per cent in 2021, putting the state below the national average of 12 suicides per lakh population. Punjab reported only 8.1 suicides per lakh population. However, the state figures on top in the country in the share of deaths (1,164) in the category of illness and family problems. The state, known for...
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