-The Hindu Shortfall unlikely to impede agriculture, officials say. Amidst concerns that monsoon rains could fall short of “normal,” the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is reviewing its projections. Officials, however, told The Hindu that while July rains were less than expected, the shortfall was confined to the northeastern States of India and below-normal rains were unlikely to impede agriculture production. It’s expected to take a call before the weekend on whether to stick...
Young women from tribal communities are helping lower maternal mortality rates in the Araku valley -Swati Sanyal Tarafdar
-The Hindu The Araku valley saw its first childbirth in a hospital, thanks to young nurses drawn from the tribes themselves On an ordinary workday, 27-year-old Pramila Bariki hikes up steep slopes, across fields, through ankle-deep rivulets, often walking up to 14 km. She gets a ride until the road is motorable, from which point she has to walk. Her job? She doles out healthcare advice to mothers and children in the remotest...
More »Ramesh Chand, member, NITI Aayog, interviewed by Seetha (Firstpost.com)
-Firstpost.com The recent increases in minimum support prices have attracted two criticisms from two opposite sides. One is that this is less than what farmers deserve, the second is that this is populist and ignores larger macro side effects. The increase in fair remunerative price for sugarcane has also been criticised for not adequately addressing the woes of the sugar sector. Ramesh Chand, member, agriculture, NITI Aayog talks to Firstpost on...
More »Kerala tops in governance, Tamil Nadu second, says report
-The Indian Express Released annually since 2016, the index examines governance performance in the states through a data-based framework, ranking them on social and economic development they are able to provide. Bengaluru: Pinarayi Vijayan’s ruled Kerala stands as the best-governed state in the country followed by Tamil Nadu, according to the Public Affairs Index 2018 released by the think tank Public Affairs Centre (PAC). While Telangana, Karnataka and Gujarat are ranked third,...
More »Need for changes in agrarian policy
-The Hindu All India Kisan Sabha to take out march to Parliament in November Tamil Nadu: The All India Kisan Sabha, along with over 190 farmers organisations from across the country, would take out a three-day ‘Kisan Mukthi Long March’ to Parliament in November seeking radical changes in the agrarian policy in order to prevent farmers’ suicides under a neo-liberalisation regime, said its national president Ashok Dhawale. He is here in connection with...
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