Umesh Kumar and his wife Satvati Devi were woken in the middle of the night by loud cries coming from the neighbouring house. "She was crying loudly. She was pleading, 'Kill me, but please don't hurt him.' She loved him and they wanted to get married," Ms Devi tells me. Two days after teenage lovers Asha and Yogesh were brutally killed, Swaroop Nagar colony on the north-western outskirts of the...
Costly APL grain to rein in subsidy? by Mahendra K Singh & Nitin Sethi
Even as the government tries to meet the expectations of the Congress high command on the Food Security Bill, it is still trying tricks in the economist's books to keep its food subsidy bill as low as possible. While the Planning Commission has now accepted that it would include community kitchens and existing nutrition security schemes such as ICDS and mid-day meal programmes under the proposed Bill, it is also...
More »Food Bill | How 3 pages changed govt approach by Samar Halarnkar
The government’s effort to draft a seminal law to fight hunger is flawed, inadequate, opaque and “not in the spirit of the election promises” in the Congress manifesto, says a confidential note circulated to top ministers at a late-evening meeting on Monday. The three-page note—a copy of which is with the Hindustan Times—came from the office of finance minister Pranab Mukherjee and was handed to the select empowered group of ministers...
More »Counting a billion: India begins new census
India launches on Thursday the task of counting its teeming billion-plus population, with 2.5 million people set to fan out over the country to begin work for the 2011 census. The exercise has formidable challenges -- coverage of a vast geographical area, left-wing rebels and separatists, widespread illiteracy, and people with a bewildering diversity of cultures, languages and customs. "The census is a means of evaluating once in every 10...
More »Govt plans to go biometric with census
The Centre is planning to undertake an ambitious effort to create a national population register — a proposal that has surfaced in various forms in the past as well — which will document biometric information and photos of all "usual residents" of India above the age of 15. While previous governments have also considered such a scheme, with the NDA wanting to restrict this to a citizen's register when it...
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