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What can be done to revive India's sluggish economic growth? Here's what five economists prescribe -Mayank Jain Hike government spending, pour money into rural areas, cut interest rates, refrain from disruptive moves like demonetisation. India’s economic growth is slowing but can the government bring it back on track? This is what Finance Minister Arun Jaitley reportedly discussed with ministers and officials Tuesday evening. While a concrete plan to address the problem is apparently being developed with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s blessing, a section of the industry and...

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The Centre could provide relief from rising fuel prices by cutting taxes, but here's why it may not -Nitin Sethi and Mayank Jain The price of petrol and diesel remains as high even though the cost of importing crude oil has halved from 2011. In 2011 when the cost of oil being imported by India was averaging above $100 per barrel, the retail price that citizens paid for petrol in Delhi averaged Rs 65 per litre. But today, when the cost of importing oil is substantially lower at an average of $50 per...

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Narmada dam: Public finance, public play -Sudeep ChakravARTi For the people of India and their “faith” in the Sardar Sarovar dam, it’s really a matter of public finance Optics is as air for politicians. It is no different for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and what is commonly known as the Narmada Dam. But even air can sometimes get dense with rhetoric. On 17 September, Modi inaugurated the Sardar Sarovar Dam, the largest project of the Narmada, or Sardar Sarovar Project,...

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'Need revenue for public spending,' says Arun Jaitley on high petrol, diesel taxes

-PTI 'If public spending is slashed, it will mean cutting down expenditure on social sector scheme." There is hardly any private investment,' explained Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley provided no indication today of any cut in excise duty on petrol and diesel to cushion the spike in rates, saying that the government needs revenue to support public spending without which growth will suffer. States levy a high amount...

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Make own strategy to double farmers' income: Centre to states

-PTI Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh today urged states to chalk out their own strategy to achieve the target of doubling farmers' income by 2022. The centre has already come out with a four-volume report suggesting ways to boost farmers' income, which states will have to study and see how best it can be implemented in each state, he said. Not only productivity of various crops needs to be raised, but also...

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