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Indian crop yields less than global average-Rituraj Tiwari

Though India has registered a record wheat and rice output, yields of major crops are much lower when compared with the production developed countries. According to the latest report of UN's food and agriculture body FAO, India lags behind badly in world average yield of rice, cotton, pulses while in wheat it is close to the global benchmark.  The FAO report relates to authenticated data up to year 2010. India is...

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Message to CM from unploughed fields by Pranesh Sarkar

-The Telegraph   Farmers in Bengal left around 2.8 lakh hectares uncultivated in the just-concluded boro crop season, a silent expression of no-confidence in the state government’s paddy procurement process and a fallout of rising fertiliser prices. The area cultivated in the boro season (January to end-February) can be considered a barometer for man-made farming systems because farmers largely depend on irrigation during this phase. The bigger aman crop (June to August) still...

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The poverty wars and impossibly low poverty line of India by V Raghunathan

Swaminathan Anklesaria Aiyar (TOI March 25 and ET March 28) has strongly defended the Planning Commission's stance that there is nothing amiss with the poverty line drawn at Rs 22.40 in rural areas and Rs 28.65 in urban areas (down from initial estimates of Rs 32 and Rs 26, respectively). Let us discount the copious tears being shed by various politicians and their parties on this new line of poverty...

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Big food brands hide harmful effects, claims Delhi-based NGO Centre for Science and Environment

-The Times of India   Delhi-based NGO, Centre for Science and Environment, has alleged that leading food manufacturers are guilty of "large scale misbranding and misinformation" by claiming that their food contained zero trans-fats even though tests showed that they have heavy doses of it. Most popular "junk foods contain very high levels of trans-fats, salts and sugar - which inevitably lead to severe ill health and diseases like obesity and diabetes," the...

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Scientists Claim Their Place in Struggle for Food Security by Fabíola Ortiz

Weather events such as extreme temperatures and drought caused global agricultural losses of 11.4 billion dollars in 2011, while 12 million hectares of farmland are lost to land degradation every year, and unsustainable agricultural practices contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases. These and other data provided by a report released Wednesday in London by leading scientists from 13 countries raise the question of how to curb the environmental crisis, guarantee...

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