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Economy headed for contraction, less fiscal space for big stimulus -P Vaidyanathan Iyer

-The Indian Express If that happens, it won’t be unique to India — the IMF expects the Covid pandemic to severely impact growth across regions in its latest World Economic Outlook. It expects the US economy to shrink 5.9 per cent and the global economy to decelerate 3 per cent. New Delhi: As the Centre and states jostle over and grapple with strategies for a staggered exit from the lockdown, the country...

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India’s farmers can keep economy running in Covid crisis. But who will tell Modi govt that? -Yogendra Yadav This is the moment to thank farmers. You don’t need thali or taali for that, you just need to ensure they get a fair price. Then we can kickstart India’s economy. As many states in north India begin their food grain procurement operations and more and more news begin to filter in from rural India, we can see one of the biggest blunders of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown strategy: it might...

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Rampant arrests in time of lockdown -Nitika Khaitan and Maneka Khanna

-The Hindu   Delhi Police’s pursuit of cases related to the February violence in north-east Delhi has intensified panic, amplified health risks and violated the most basic of rights As the first month of lockdown draws to a close, large-scale arrests during this time in relation to the February violence in Delhi have eviscerated the fundamental rights of many. In a scenario where courts are effectively shut down, lawyers unable to leave...

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A change in migrant policy -Dipak Kumar Singh & Pushpendra

-The Hindu Besides addressing the immediate distress conditions of migrants, the state needs to think of long-term solutions Seasonal migration is one of the most critical issues of our time. The condition of seasonal migrants has emerged as no less an important issue than the novel coronavirus itself. The COVID-19 crisis has, for the first time, brought migration to the centre stage of public health and disaster response in India. Please click here...

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Sustainable Housing Can't Slip Under the Radar Once the COVID-19 Crisis Subsides -PK Das For too long, development authorities across India have ignored the adverse impact of 'densification' and deplorable health and environmental conditions on people’s lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled us to critically review various long term measures that relate to a host of other matters with an objective of bringing about significant change. One such matter that would require critical review and change is the state of housing that is intimately intertwined with...

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