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Reel lessons on net worth by Amit Gupta

 Watch a film, get entertained. Well, if it is IIM-Ranchi, you get business ideas, a certificate from the B-school and market linkage from Nabard. Looking to develop reel lessons to transform real-life strugglers into successful managers, IIM-Ranchi is embarking on a unique project — named Barefoot Managers, the premier B-school will develop 15 short films on entrepreneurial literacy and screen one a day in front of semi-literate and low-income groups in...

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My decision on Bt brinjal was not influenced by NGOs: Jairam by Amitabh Sinha

Days after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke of the role of foreign-funded NGOs in instigating protests against genetic engineering in agriculture, rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has asserted that his controversial decision to put the release of genetically-modified brinjal on indefinite hold in 2010 was not influenced by any NGO.   As the then environment minister, Jairam had blocked the commercial release of Bt brinjal, citing a lack of scientific consensus and...

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Food security, a fundamental responsibility of the state by Shikha Tyagi

No one will deny that the least a democratic government can do for its people in a civilised society is to ensure access to food at affordable prices. Ensuring food security is, therefore, a fundamental responsibility of the state. Public distribution system (PDS) is the instrument through which food grains are made available to targeted beneficiaries. Government's resolve to provide for food security is laudable.  At the same time, it does...

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Don't blame the implementers by Shubhasis Gangopadhyay

Corruption and government apathy may not be hurting MNREGS as much as well-intentioned tinkering There is growing concern that the Centre’s allocation for the Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS) is dropping off. Correspondingly, the average number of days of work created in some of the states is dropping sharply. This decline in the spending of MNREGS money is not a one-off event but has been happening over the...

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DRDA adopts cluster approach for MGNREGS by PVV Murthi

The District rural Development Agency (DRDA), Vellore has adopted a cluster approach in undertaking various works under the Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in order to enable more villagers to get employment, according to N. Srinivasan, Project Officer of the DRDA. Talking to newspersons at the Alangulam irrigation tank in Melappulam village panchayat in Arcot panchayat union where the work of deepening of the tank under MGNREGS was...

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