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Losing the climate fight

-The Business Standard Worryingly, investment in clean energy declines  Global investment in clean energy will decline perceptibly this year for the first time in eight years, signalling an unwarranted complacency in the fight against climate change. A report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance says funding for renewable energy generation in the first three quarters of this year was $164.2 billion, down from last year’s $196.4 billion. The downturn is the steepest at...

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'Only 6 Indian States Likely to Achieve development Goals'

-Outlook Only six states in the country, including Maharashtra and Kerala, are likely to achieve the Millenium development Goal (MDG) on reducing child mortality by 2015, a report said today. Except Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal, other parts of the country are unlikely to achieve MDG 4, which aims to reduce Under-Five Mortality by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015, unless some key issues are addressed, These observations were...

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Delhi’s Disappearing Night Sky -Malavika Vyawahare

-The New York Times blog You could be pardoned for thinking that light pollution is someone’s idea of a Diwali joke. With concerns about rising air pollution hanging over India’s capital like the thick blanket of smog that appeared a few weeks ago and activists against noise pollution jostling to be heard over the burst of holiday firecrackers, the relatively benign problem of light pollution may not seem too important. But astronomers in...

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Underage sex crime now, but who gets the blame? -Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times It’s official. Sex between individuals below the age of 18, even if consensual, is a crime. However, the new rules — notified on Wednesday to enforce the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act — failed to address how law enforcing agents can identify the accused and the victim when both the persons involved are minors. This concern was raised by several state governments. “It is a highly complicated...

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Investigating allegations of corrupt practice in India: Wal-Mart

-PTI World's largest retailer Wal-Mart today said it is investigating allegations of corrupt practices against it in foreign markets, including India. In March 2011, the US-based company had started a worldwide review of its policies, practices and internal controls for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance. "We have inquiries or investigations regarding allegations of potential FCPA violations in a number of foreign markets where we operate regarding FCPA allegations, including but not...

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