HIV/AIDS screenings on job applicants and existing employees may be banned under a proposed policy that says the infection should in no way affect employment. The National Policy on HIV/AIDS and Work Place, crafted by the Union labour ministry with the International Labour Organisation’s assistance, will form part of the HIV bill being drawn up by the health ministry. The bill seeks to make employers liable for discrimination against staff with...
women and Democracy in India by Nancy Folbre
Democracy is, everywhere, a work in progress. Like many other countries, India has imposed electoral quotas to improve the political empowerment of women and racial-ethnic minorities – that is, it has a political system that requires women to be elected to certain leadership positions. These rules represent a form of affirmative action, but they also resemble a feature of our own Constitution that reserves space in the Senate for two representatives...
More »Ban calls on leaders to attend Millennium Development Goals summit next September
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on world leaders to attend a summit next September to boost efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which seek to slash a host of social ills, ranging from extreme poverty and hunger to maternal and infant mortality to lack of access to education and health care, all by 2015. “Coming amid mixed progress toward the Goals and new crises that threaten the global...
More »State to have women SHOs soon by G Anand
The police to become more accessible to vulnerable sections of society 4,000 domestic violence cases reported in 2008 PSC to start recruitment process soon Thiruvananthapuram: Police stations in Kerala could soon have women as Station House Officers (SHOs). The State government has sanctioned direct recruitment of women to the post of Sub Inspector of Police in the General Executive Wing of the Police Department. The Kerala Public Services Commission (PSC) is expected...
More »No guarantees for work in Melghat by Meena Menon
It was a night out under the stars. These were not city slickers but a group of villagers from Salona. On the way down from Chikhaldhara hill station in Amravati district, the darkness of the cold night is lit by small fires. Groups of people huddle around the flickering flames. Their children lie swaddled in thin bedclothes which cannot keep the chill away. Shivlal Belsare and his wife are finishing off...
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