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More milk co-operatives can remove poverty: Dr V Kurien

-DNA The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) can help free Poor people from poverty, announced Dr V Kurien, father of the milk federation in the country.   “It is a testimony to the strength of the co-operation that KMF has become India’s second largest dairy cooperative. Despite its achievements, the fact remains that there are still many Poor people in rural areas. I believe that the solution to this is to set up more...

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Stand-off on UID persists: Cabinet to decide fate by Aloke Tikku and Chetan Chauhan

A Cabinet panel headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will decide on Wednesday if the government should spend nearly Rs 15,000 crore more to duplicate an ongoing exercise to capture biometric data. The government had earlier authorised the Registrar General of India under the home ministry to create the National Population Register, a task that required RGI to collect biometric data of nearly one billion people and get them an...

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Direct Plan Panel to give more money for Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana: Mallikarjun Kharge to PMO by Amiti Sen

The labour ministry has asked the Prime Minister's Office to direct the Planning Commission to allocate sufficient resources for the UPA government's flagship health insurance scheme for the Poor in fiscal 2012-13 so that patients are not refused admission by hospitals.  The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), that guarantees 30,000 annual health insurance to a family of five, ran into trouble earlier this year due to shortage of funds.  In a letter...

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Urgent challenge to create 600 mn jobs over next decade: ILO

-PTI   The International Labour Organisation (ILO) today warned there is an "urgent challenge" to create 600 million jobs over the world in the next decade as one in three workers worldwide are either unemployed or living in poverty.  According to the annual report on global employment by the ILO, the world faces the "urgent challenge" of creating 600 million productive jobs over the next decade in order to generate sustainable growth and...

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Eye on shorter list, Bengal for fresh BPL survey by Pranesh Sarkar

The cash-strapped Bengal government has persuaded the Centre to conduct a fresh survey of the below poverty line (BPL) population in the state. Panchayat and rural development minister Subrata Mukherjee had tossed up the proposal at a meeting with his central counterpart Jairam Ramesh at Budge Budge yesterday. “Poverty estimates by the Centre and the state are markedly different…. So we decided to run a check on whether the Left Front government...

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