Total Matching Records found : 33358

NYAY is an important first step toward social justice -Vani S Kulkarni and Raghav Gaiha

-Hindustan Times Better health and education facilities, and expansion of old age pension and insurance must follow to improve the socio-economic status of the people . A battle cry of the Congress in the current election is the Nyuntam Aay Yojana (Nyay), which promises Rs 6,000 per month to the poorest 20% of the households. Some have questioned its rationale. Others have questioned its feasibility. Still others have been laudatory about it....

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Fund crunch, land cost may slow down highway projects -Dipak K Dash

-The Times of india NEW DELHI: After a major thrust on highway during the last five years, the next government faces the prospect of a sharp slowdown in highway development due to funding constraints and rising project costs, primarily on account of a spike in land acquisition rates. The result: Only 4,600km of the announced 12,000km may actually be taken up during the current financial year. The situation is so grim that...

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Odisha confirms 21 more deaths, Cyclone Fani toll hits 64 -Ashok Pradhan

-The Times of india BHUBANESWAR: The state government on Sunday confirmed 21 more deaths due to Cyclone Fani, which struck the Odisha coast on May 3. With this, the death toll rose from earlier reported 43 to 64. The special relief commissioner’s situation report on Sunday confirmed that 39 people died in Puri district alone. This is 18 more than what the government had declared earlier. Three more deaths were confirmed in...

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Perils of over-promising -Ashok Gulati

-The indian Express For all their talk on farm distress, on agriculture, BJP, Congress show they have not learnt from past failures. We often feel proud of our democratic system. But it also has a shortcoming, which has been magnified in the current election season. The conversation today is not about what the BJP/NDA promised in its manifesto of 2014, and how far they have been able to deliver on their...

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Trapped in snow, 300 yaks starve to death in Sikkim -Pramod Giri

-Hindustan Times The district collector said about 10 to 15 yaks die every year but admitted that this year’s death toll is higher than ever before. Siliguri: Around 300 yaks have starved to death due to severe cold and excessive snowfall at an altitude of around 15,000 feet in north Sikkim, forcing authorities to rush medical teams to save the remaining animals. The administration has described the incident as catastrophic and unprecedented. To save...

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