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Economy headed for contraction, less fiscal space for big stimulus -P Vaidyanathan Iyer

-The Indian Express If that happens, it won’t be unique to India — the IMF expects the Covid pandemic to severely impact growth across regions in its latest World Economic Outlook. It expects the US economy to shrink 5.9 per cent and the global economy to decelerate 3 per cent. New Delhi: As the Centre and states jostle over and grapple with strategies for a staggered exit from the lockdown, the country...

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Logistic constraints: Few takers among retail biggies for direct purchase from farmers -Prabhudatta Mishra

-Financial Express Except Madhya Pradesh, no other state has so far acted upon the Centre’s advisory, leaving farmers, the intended beneficiaries of the move, high and dry. The Centre’s April 4 directive to states, asking them to facilitate direct purchase of farm produce including grains, pulses and fruits and vegetables by big retailers, aggregators and food processors hasn’t produced any immediate results. Except Madhya Pradesh, no other state has so far acted...

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A change in migrant policy -Dipak Kumar Singh & Pushpendra

-The Hindu Besides addressing the immediate distress conditions of migrants, the state needs to think of long-term solutions Seasonal migration is one of the most critical issues of our time. The condition of seasonal migrants has emerged as no less an important issue than the novel coronavirus itself. The COVID-19 crisis has, for the first time, brought migration to the centre stage of public health and disaster response in India. Please click here...

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The key strategy is fiscal empowerment of States -M Govinda Rao

-The Hindu The Centre must recognise that winning the war on COVID-19 is linked to the States being armed with enough resources The scale of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has never been seen before. Even as we are in the midst of the second phase of the national lockdown, there is no clarity on the time it will take to come out of the crisis, the extent of damage it...

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Agricultural Supply Chains during the COVID-19 Lockdown -Vikas Rawal and Ankur Verma

-Society for Social and Economic Research The sudden announcement of a national lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19 has resulted in a severe disruption of food supply chains. The lockdown was announced without any preparation, and nothing was mentioned about excluding agricultural production and marketing operations from the purview of the lockdown when the Prime Minister first announced these restrictions. Once the lockdown was announced, governments scrambled to keep the...

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