-FirstPost.com Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a jibe at India's perennially hostile neighbour Pakistan at his Kozhikode speech, just a few days ahead of the 'surgical attacks' conducted by the Indian army's special forces at LoC. The Prime Minister said India is ready for a war with Pakistan, but a war on poverty, unemployment and malnutrition. Modi's 'war cry' resonated well in Pakistani media, too. It seems we, Indians, are indeed...
India at bottom of hunger pile
-The Telegraph New Delhi: An analysis of hunger levels worldwide released today has ranked India 97 among 118 countries with one in three children in the country facing stunted growth and 15 per cent of the population undernourished from lack of food. The Global Hunger Index 2016, an assessment by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), has placed India behind Bangladesh, Nigeria and Rwanda and just ahead of North Korea in...
More »From plate to plough: Rural change challenge -Ashok Gulati
-The Indian Express Inclusive agricultural growth is key to removing poverty by 2030. Eradicating poverty from the planet was the top-most target in a set of 17 goals adopted by the UN last September as a part of its sustainable development agenda. Nations across the globe, including India, endorsed it. The strategies to achieve this goal have been left open to countries. In this context, the Rural Development Report (RDR) 2016 of...
More »First-of-its-kind policy initiative on nutrition and diet launched in Delhi -Shreeshan Venkatesh
-Down to Earth The total health burden arising from poor diet exceeds the combined burden of unsafe sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco use The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition and the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) jointly launched the South ASIan Policy Initiative for Improved Nutrition and Growth (SAPLING), a policy initiative to improve nutrition and diet in South ASIan countries, on October 6, in New...
More »Amid fewer child deaths worldwide, high of 1.3 milion is in India -Anuradha Mascarenhas
-The Indian Express Global Burden of Death: world health improves but progress is patchy; Bangladesh betters India in reducing maternal deaths Pune: Between 1990 and 2015, deaths of children under five have gone down by half worldwide but India has had the highest number of such deaths at 1.3 million in 2015. India has pulled down maternal deaths but Bangladesh has done better, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study...
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