-The Hindu Recorded incidents of agrarian riots jumped 327 per cent from 628 in 2014 to 2,683 in 2015. New Delhi: Incidents of rioting remained almost the same in 2015 as compared to 2014, but as communal riots decreased, big increases were seen in other categories — agrarian, sectarian and student riots and Caste conflicts, data from the “Crime in India” report for 2015 released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)...
Bezwada Wilson, a crusader for Dalit rights and winner of Ramon Magsaysay Award, interviewed by Uttam Sengupta (Outlook)
-Outlook A crusader for Dalit rights, Bezwada Wilson, on reclaiming for the Dalits a life of human dignity in a structurally apathetic society. On many occasions, the Ramon Magsaysay Award has been bestowed on individuals of various ilks and ideological persuasions. For the first time, perhaps, it speaks to an issue that touches the lives of millions of people because an award for Bezwada Wilson (50) is an international acknowledgement of the...
More »Maharashtra's Bizarre Address Rule Leaves Its Nomadic Tribes Out in the Cold -Varsha Torgalkar
-TheWire.in Members of nomadic and denotified tribes are required to produce address proof from 1961 to obtain a Caste certificates, without which they cannot avail the benefits of government schemes. Chetan Ramchandra Pawar, 23, works as a labourer 125 kms away from Pune in the farms of Sansar village. That is, if he is lucky enough to get work. Pawar, who belongs to the Vadar community – a nomadic tribe – otherwise...
More »Workin' Man Blues -Sarah Hafeez
-The Indian Express In the industrial areas of the National Capital Region, life is tied to the assembly line. But even if rarely, workers clear a space for that which seems impossible: thought and contemplation, and even the artistic life. When the whir of engines and the clang of metal against obstinate metal die down, when the neon lights go down in hundreds of sooty factory buildings in Haiderpur, Ashish Kumar opens...
More »31% rural households indebted, paying heavy interests despite various govt schemes: Panel -Iftikhar Gilani
-DNA Only 17% rural households take loans from financial institutions | Caste affiliation, gender play a part in getting credit As many as 31% of rural households in India are indebted and a significant number still depend on money-lenders, paying heavy interests, despite various government schemes and a network of rural banking. A parliamentary panel that probed the state of rural, agricultural banking found that a mere 17% rural household had taken...
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