-The Hindu The Union Cabinet approved the bill it had earlier sent to Parliament with just a few amendments On Aadhaar, the UPA has decided to take on the Supreme Court as well as the Opposition. The government on Tuesday defended Aadhaar before the Supreme Court asking for relief from the interim orders. It has decided to argue that the judiciary has encroached upon its executive decision-making space with the order. In...
Suspend Aadhaar, it is leading India to a surveillance state -R Ramakumar
-Deccan Herald One important feature of Aadhaar is its immense potential to violate privacy and civil liberty of the people. This is one of the main issues highlighted by the petitioners in the Supreme Court. Aadhaar envisages a centralised database of Indian residents. At present, the data on each individual is available only in separate "silos" and it is near impossible to link a person's information in one silo to that in...
More »KS Puttaswamy, retired justice of the Karnataka High Court interviewed by Deepa Kurup
-The Hindu Former Justice K.S. Puttaswamy, who went to court against the linking of state benefits to the UID scheme, says much money has been wasted on the ‘dangerous' project The Supreme Court order restraining the linking of services and benefits to the 12-digit Aadhaar number has placed in doubt ambitious plans by the Centre and several State governments to make the ‘voluntary' Aadhaar scheme mandatory for access to services and subsidies....
More »India Matters: Food secure in the Capital -Sutapa Deb
-NDTV The debate on the merits and demerits of the National Food Security Bill went on for months. But most of it seems disconnected to the reality on the ground to the churning lakhs of low income families are experiencing as they register for the new scheme. There is anxiety and desperation to get subsidised foodgrain. In the office of the Food and Supply Officer in Delhi's north east district, many have...
More »Complaints mount over implementation of BPL rice scheme
-The Hindu Beneficiaries say fair price outlets are overcharging, not supplying stipulated amount Bangalore: Even as every Below Poverty Line (BPL) family is assured of rice at Re. 1 a kg for a maximum of 30 kg, charging more than the fixed price and distributing less than the stipulated quantity are common complaints across the State. When The Hindu visited a fair price shop at Salagame in Hassan district, about 9 km from...
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