-Newsclick.in The Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh Rajesh Agarwal presented the Budget for financial year 2018-19 on February 16. The State government allocated Rs. 63,223 crores for overall Education sector which is an increase of 10.90% as compared to 2017-18 in which Rs. 56,993 crores were allocated. Out of this amount, Rs. 50,142 crore will be spent on Primary Education, Rs. 9,387 crore on secondary education and Rs. 2,656 on higher education....
Diu becomes first UT to run 100% on solar power -Melvyn Thomas
-The Times of India SURAT: The harnessing of solar energy has made Diu the country’s first energy surplus Union territory and a model for an effective way for people to harness this renewable energy source. In just three years, Diu has made rapid progress in solar power generation. The Union territory has an area of just 42 square kilometres. Despite scarcity of land, solar power plants have been installed over more than...
More »Farm woes and the upcoming polls -Tushar Arora & Abheek Barua
-The Hindu Business Line An analysis of how agri concerns will play out in four poll-bound States this year has some key takeaways for politicians ‘Rural distress’ became the major economic narrative to interpret the recent Assembly elections results for Gujarat, specifically the fact that rural support for the incumbent government was considerably less than the support from cities. The woes of the rural sector could be a bigger issue this year. Of...
More »The State should come to the rescue of the landless Dalit farmer in India
-Hindustan Times A newer generation of politicians has again voiced the demand of giving land to landless Dalit households as a means to resolve the crisis of rural livelihoods. But the relentless pursuit of neo-liberal economic policies and liberalisation has rendered most of these demands Utopian Seven decades after Independence, while a majority of farmers cultivate their own land (however small their holdings may be), most Dalit farmers in much of India...
More »Cong shuns Lokpal meet
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The leader of the Congress in the Lok Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge, refused to attend a selection committee meeting on the Lokpal on Thursday, accusing the government of reducing a "scared procedure" to a "political pretence". In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Kharge pointed out that he was invited to the meeting as a mere "special invitee" who would have no say in the selection. "The conduct of...
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