-PTI/ The Hindu In July, the court had asked the Centre to file a ‘detailed and exhaustive’ reply on the petition by Samyak Gangwal seeking to declare the PM CARES Fund a ‘State’ The Delhi High Court on September 16 listed for hearing on January 31 pleas concerning the legal status of the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund) under the Constitution and the Right...
Bajra sells below MSP in Haryana -Ravinder Saini
-The Tribune Rewari: Farmers in the district have been forced to sell their bajra (millet) produce to private buyers at much below minimum support price (MSP). The Union Government has fixed Rs 2,350 per quintal as MSP for bajra but it is being bought between Rs 1,750 and Rs 1,825 per quintal. Though the arrival of 71,000 quintals bajra has so far been registered in the local grain market, the state government is...
More »Food items keep WPI up at 12.4 per cent
-The Telegraph There has been a pick-up in the prices of vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat and fish and cereals mostly because of erratic rains Wholesale price index-based (WPI) inflation eased to a 11-month low of 12.41 per cent in August on softening in the prices of manufactured and fuel products even as food items remained expensive. Although WPI inflation declined for three consecutive months in August, it remained in double digits for...
More »The future of old times in India -Jean Drèze and Esther Duflo
-The Hindu Near-universal social security pensions would be a good start to a radical expansion of public support for the elderly Life expectancy in India has more than doubled since Independence — from around 32 years in the late 1940s to 70 years or so today. Many countries have done even better, but this is still a historical achievement. Over the same period, the fertility rate has crashed from about six children...
More »Why Punjab farmers who bet big on moong this summer reaped a harvest of discontent -Nikhil Rampal
-ThePrint.in MSP for moong became ceiling price as private traders were unwilling to offer more, claim growers. Another factor was low procurement of produce at MSP by Punjab government. Jagraon/Ludhiana: Encouraged by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government’s promise to procure pulses at Minimum Support Price (MSP), the area under moong cultivation in Punjab nearly doubled this summer as farmers eyed extra income. The commitment, which coincided with an early harvest of wheat...
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