-The Hindu The Supreme Court has ordered a proper survey of sex workers — initially in metropolises of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai — for their rehabilitation. In February, a Bench of Justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Misra directed the Centre and all States to prepare a rehabilitation scheme and sought their response. At the resumed hearing on Tuesday, the Bench was informed that the Centre and certain States were...
Blood on the Internet by Latha Jishnu
Governments are censoring digital content on the ground that it infringes intellectual property rights or offends people. Can they be stopped? It’s a bit of Iraq and Afghanistan out there on the Internet. Just like the invasion of Iraq was lies, deceit and regime change as George W Bush chased illusory weapons of mass destruction in that hapless country, on the Internet, too, there is an element of fabrication and duplicity...
More »Global demand increasing for synthetic drugs, UN report finds
-The United Nations While global markets for cocaine, heroin and cannabis declined or remained stable, the production and abuse of prescription opioid drugs and new synthetic drugs rose, the United Nations annual drug report said today. “The gains we have witnessed in the traditional drugs markets are being offset by a fashion for synthetic ‘designer drugs’ mimicking illegal substances,” said Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and...
More »The discreet charm of civil society by P Sainath
There is nothing wrong in having advisory groups. But there is a problem when groups not constituted legally cross the line of demands, advice and rights-based, democratic agitation. The 1990s saw marketing whiz kids at the largest English daily in the world steal a term then in vogue among sexually discriminated minorities: PLUs — or People Like Us. Media content would henceforth be for People Like Us. This served advertisers' needs...
More »UN agencies urge renewed efforts to end practice of ‘son preference’
-The United Nations Five United Nations agencies have banded together to call for urgently addressing gender-biased sex selection favouring boys, a common practice in many parts of South, East and Central Asia that they say fuels a culture of discrimination and violence. “Sex selection in favour of boys is a symptom of pervasive social, cultural, political and economic injustices against women, and a manifest violation of women’s human rights,” says a...
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