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How do you feed thousands of people in Rajasthan without irrigation?-Arati Kumar Rao

-Grist Media   The people of the Thar desert have their ways. This story unfolds over a year and recounts history through contemporary lives lived gently and with the land. It experiences first-hand the extraordinary old magic of growing lush crops in the desert. The land was the color of burnt caramel. It was flat and it was featureless: there was no tree in sight, no blade of grass, no ditch, no dune,...

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Lack of toilets proves a serious threat to women’s safety-Bindu Shajan Perappadan

-The Hindu     The acute shortage of toilets across the country has come to the fore again with the gang-rape and murder of two teenage Dalit girls in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh who went missing on the night of May 27th after they went to relieve themselves in the open because they did not have access to a toilet at home. The lack of toilets impacts the safety of women and this had been...

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Scheduled tribes show worrying decline in child sex ratio

-The Times of India   The scheduled tribes in India have traditionally had the highest sex ratios - the number of women for every 1,000 men - among all communities. But, detailed data on individual tribal communities just put out by the census shows that the situation is worsening in almost each case. And the sex ratio in the population aged zero to six is significantly lower. In 2011, India's ST population as...

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Lokniti - Programme for Comparative Democracy was established in 1997 as a research programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), New Delhi. The CSDS is an autonomous social science research institution. Since the inception of the CSDS in 1963, the writings of scholars like Rajni Kothari, D.L. Sheth and Ashis Nandy have become a point of reference for various attempts from the South to question the...

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Against developmental fundamentalism-Ramaswamy R Iyer

-The Hindu     In the ‘development versus environment' debate, the demand is always for a compromise on environmental concerns, never for a moderation of developmental activities There is hope in the air: years of corruption, ‘policy paralysis' and a non-functioning government are gone and there is a forceful, efficient, decisive leader at the helm. However, while joining in the national mood of hope and expectation, may one add a word of caution about...

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