‘Aser’ MEAns impact in Hindustani. If development programs are to lead to desired outcomes, their impact on the ground needs to be regularly assessed. ASER Centre seeks to use simple yet rigorous methods to generate evidence on scale on the outcomes of social sector programs. It also aims to strengthen the link between evidence and action by building the capacity of individuals and institutions to design, conduct, and understand assessments...
NABH sets new entry-level standards for accreditation of hospitals-Ramya Kannan
-The Hindu Many small hospitals may find the new norms beyond their capacity The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) has released a new batch of entry-level standards for accreditation of smaller hospitals. As the name suggests, Entry Level Standards are MEAnt for hospitals who want to get started on the quality certification journey, but are unable to do so due to the stringent requirements of the full NABH...
More »A full plate for Modi-Raghuvir Srinivasan
-The Hindu Narendra Modi has to address not just the current stagnation in manufacturing but also look at ways of stimulating investments in the sector Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi, it is said, sleeps just six hours a day. Even that could become a luxury as he buckles down to his job and begins the challenging task of turning around the economy. The economic legacy handed down to him by the United Progressive...
More »Climate change may increase cost of cereal and household basics -Heather Saul
-The Independent The impact of climate change could increase the price of breakfast cereal and other household foods, a report by Oxfam has claimed, which found Kellogg and Nestle are among the world's 'Big 10' food and drink companies who emit more greenhouses gases than Nordic countries combined. In their report, Oxfam called on the major food and drink companies to do more to tackle climate change after it found that...
More »Beware of ill effects of genetically modified organisms, farmers told
-The Hindu Madurai: Activists, farmers and the public came together for a programme ‘Say no to GMO' organized by Aakam Rural Education and Health Trust, Cure Trust and Research Centre and the Gandhi Memorial Museum on the ills of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) here on Saturday. "The use of these modified crops is slowly increasing across the State in Erode, Tiruchi, Madurai, Chennai and Coimbatore though it is not officially approved. Most...
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