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Climate Change threatens farmers livelihood in Assam -Amarjyoti Borah Climate Change and its adverse impacts which includes a change in the rainfall pattern and rising temperature is affecting farmers in the state of Assam, located in India's North East The state which is largely agriculture based has a major portion of the state's population engaged in this sector. According to data from the state agriculture department, over 70 percent of the state's population relies on agriculture as farmers, or agricultural labourers,...

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We need a real learning grid for India's elementary schools -Krishna Kumar

-The Hindustan Times Around this time every year, news about the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) survey creates a short-lived stir in the media over the dismal performance of children studying in State-run elementary schools. Pratham - the NGO which produces the ASER reports - carries out this nationwide evaluation of children's competence in reading and arithmetic, and presents the results of children's grade-wise scores. The sample consists of nearly...

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Tiger population on the rise, India home to more than 2,000 big cats -Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times Tiger population in India is estimated to be 2,226 in 2014, according to a new report released on Tuesday. The big cat population in 2010 was an estimated 1,706. The number in the central Indian landscape had gone down four years ago. "While the tiger population is falling in the world, it is rising in India. It is a great news," environment minister Prakash Javadekar said. "Never before such an exercise...

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Global unemployment to rise to 212 million, says ILO -Katie Allen

-The Guardian International Labour Organization warns of mounting social unrest amid income inequality and high youth unemployment The global jobs market will continue to deteriorate in the coming years,, while rising income inequality and high youth unemployment will stoke more social unrest, a new report warns today. The International Labour Organization (ILO) says a slowdown in economic growth means more jobs will be lost this year with young people again bearing the brunt...

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Sec 66A arrests: NDA on same page as UPA -Utkarsh Anand

-The Indian Express The NDA government took over from the UPA more than eight months ago but it appears to be deja vu for activists fighting against the constitutionality of Section 66A of the Information Technology Act, which empowers police to arrest people for social media posts. Following the previous government's line, the NDA regime has lent its support to the validity of Section 66A, saying the "danger was present and clear"...

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