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It'll take more than markets to build a green future-Ashish Kothari

In August 2010, the U.N. Secretary General set up a “High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability,” to formulate a “new vision for sustainable growth and prosperity” for the world. Co-chaired by the Presidents of Finland and South Africa, the panel submitted its detailed report in January 2012. The report is under consideration in the Secretary General's office, and will be a key input to the upcoming U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development...

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Jobs go missing -TK Rajalakshmi

The World of Work 2012 report presents a bleak picture of the global job situation. FOUR years after the global crisis erupted in 2008, organisations such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) believe that labour markets still have not fully recovered. The world economy is not expected to grow at a sufficient pace over the next couple of years to overcome the crisis. These organisations present some depressing facts: those...

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Chorus of unreason -TK Rajalakshmi

Political parties across the spectrum get into a tangle over an innocuous cartoon in a school textbook THE textbooks of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) are in the news again. This time, it is not history but political science textbooks that managed to get almost all Members of Parliament on their feet on an emotive issue and for reasons that defied logic. One day before the 60th...

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Beyond heroes and villains-Alex M George

The new curriculum sought to overcome the visual baggage of old textbooks. Today, India debates whether or not cartoons should be included in school textbooks. Such debates are welcome to improve our understanding of school education in general, and textbooks in particular. But before the review committee throws all cartoons out of the school tub, it would help to understand a few facets of textbook preparation, especially the selection of visuals. Locating...

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Prashant Bhushan calls PM shikhandi, says Congress using him as shield

-The Times of India In a concerted strategy to hit at PM Manmohan Singh, just days after it leveled charges of corruption against top Cabinet ministers, Team Anna member Prashant Bhushan said the PM was like 'Shikhandi' and was being used by Congress as a shield. Bhushan on Monday slammed Singh for defending the UPA government on corruption charges. "The Congress is using the PM as a shield like 'Shikhandi'. They say...

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