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How pandemics have changed the world -Stanly Johny

-The Hindu Pandemics have triggered the collapse of empires, weakened pre-eminent powers and institutions, created social upheaval and brought down wars Pandemics have had great influence in shaping human society and politics throughout history. From the Justinian Plague of sixth century to the Spanish flu of last century, pandemics have triggered the collapse of empires, weakened pre-eminent powers and institutions, created social upheaval and brought down wars. Here’s a look at some...

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Economic liberalisation and its faults -KM Gopakumar & Ranja Sengupta

-The Hindu The virus reveals how dependence on private sector-led economic growth has proved to be disastrous  Dr. Manmohan Singh’s 1991-92 Budget speech marked the beginning of the end of the ‘Licence Raj’ in India. The Budget also announced the reduction of import duties and paved the way for foreign-manufactured goods to flow into India. Following this, most of the manufacturing sector was opened up to foreign direct investment. India’s industrial policy...

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MHA lockdown guidelines: What’s allowed, what’s not

-The Indian Express Home Ministry New Lockdown Guidelines: Under the revised guidelines, a list of things that is allowed during the extended nationwide lockdown till May 3 Home Ministry New Lockdown Guidelines: A day after extending the lockdown to May 3, the government Wednesday released revised guidelines under which activities like agriculture, Information Technology, e-commerce and movement of trucks and goods carriers will be allowed from April 20 to “mitigate hardships to...

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West Bengal to ask parents to collect mid-day meal supplies from schools -Bishwanath Ghosh

-The Hindu Guardians of students from Classes III to VIII to collect 3 kg of rice and 3 kg of potatoes. Kolkata: The West Bengal government will supply rice and potatoes for the month of April to students from Classes III to VIII of its schools, who are eligible for mid-day meals but are staying home due to the lockdown, in the wake of coronavirus (COVID-19). Guardians of these students will be...

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India needs a strong fiscal stimulus -Pulapre Balakrishnan

-Hindustan Times Plan for a Rs 20 lakh crore-stimulus. It is needed for both immediate relief and economic revival India has seen among the most stringent prevention responses to the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) so far. With a complete lockdown for three weeks already, and a further 19 days added on Tuesday, it has hit the maximum in an index of stringency designed by the United Kingdom’s Overseas Development Institute. But its economic...

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