Those that have governed in tribal areas must share the responsibility for the negligence of the adivasis. The proposals for a multi-lateral dialogue should be set in that context. There has been a flurry of concern as also vituperation over the activities of the Maoists in the forests that are mostly home to tribal society. There is a confrontation between the state and this society through the intervention of the...
Your meal is getting costlier
A simple vegetarian fare of dal, rice, vegetables and chapattis is costing you more every month. Prices of vegetables have almost doubled in the last two months while pulses and foodgrain are costing 25 per cent more. Lady's finger that was available for Rs 28 a kg a fortnight ago now costs Rs 40 a kg. Capsicum is up to Rs 70 a kg from Rs 40 a kg while prices of...
More »Why are the Himalayan glaciers melting?
The BBC's Chris Morris travels to the main source of the Ganges river to find out why the glaciers are melting. As the first light of dawn lit up the snow-covered mountain peaks, we trekked through a barren landscape 4,000 metres up in the Indian Himalayas, heading for the Gangotri glacier, the main source of the River Ganges. About 2km from our destination, we passed a rock inscribed with the...
More »Money For Nothing by Tushaar Shah
There is a growing chorus of views - representing some very influential writers in India and elsewhere - in favour of direct cash transfer into poor people's bank accounts as a more efficient social security net than the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). Economist Arvind Panagariya has called direct cash transfer ''the least costly policy to give immediate relief to the poor". Having returned from a series of field...
More »Civil Society Questions Anti-Naxal Operations
A fact finding team of many civil society organizations has reported widespread occurrences of murders, tortures and cases of police atrocities in Chhattisgarh in the name of combating Naxalism. It is also being alleged that in the name of their own security, journalists are being stopped from going to so called “combat zones” where security forces have launched an Operation Greenhunt to flush out armed Maoists. Fifteen members of the...
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