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Inclusive growth, an exaggerated claim -Raghav Gaiha, Manoj K Pandey and Vani S Kulkarni

-The Hindu Business Line   Claims that the economic gap in India is being bridged are not borne out by NSS data Recent accounts of poverty reduction - especially during 2004-11- triggered by the release of the 68th round of the NSS data, have been euphoric. Growth acceleration not just resulted in more rapid poverty reduction over this period than during 1993-2004 but it was also more inclusive as the most disadvantaged groups,...

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Average Indian lives longer now: WHO

The latest WHO report entitled World Health Statistics 2014 delineates the performance made on the health front by India vis-à-vis other nations between 1990 and 2012. It also presents the challenges that the new government at the Centre should try to resolve. In India, life expectancy at birth (both sexes, in years) has increased from 58 in 1990 to 66 in 2012. While life expectancy at birth for men rose from 57...

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World economy to strengthen as job growth remains ‘stubborn’ –UN report

-The United Nations   The global economy is expected to strengthen over the next two years, despite a downgrade of growth prospects for some developing countries and transition economies, and "stubbornly slow" job growth, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects 2014 mid-year update launched today in New York. "More than five years after the financial crisis, the world continues to struggle with getting the global economic engine back to...

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Ministry officials want Modi govt to look at land laws-Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-The Business Standard   Agriculture ministry wants review of clamps on holdings; rural development ministry seeks centralisation of records With Narendra Modi set to take over as prime minister in the next few days, the department of agriculture is proposing a comprehensive review of land ceiling laws as a first major reform in the sector.   Land also figures in the to-do list of the rural development ministry. It has proposed centralisation of land records...

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India's carbon footprint dilemma-Nitin Sethi

-The Business Standard   Lots of assumptions but little to act upon in the Planning Commission report on low carbon growth It will take around $834 billion for the Indian economy to put Indian economy on a low carbon mode taking its emission intensity in 2030 down by 42% as compared to 2007 levels. This is the macro picture drawn by the Low Carbon growth study commissioned by India's Planning Commission. The study is...

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