-Economic and Political Weekly Assessing the progress made in reducing under-nutrition among children who are less than two years old in Maharashtra between 2005-06 and 2012, this article points out that child under-nutrition, especially stunting, declined significantly in the state during this period. It holds that this decline can be associated with the interventions initiated through the Rajmata Jijau Mother-Child Health and Nutrition Mission, which began in 2005, and that this...
PM Modi vows rapid change, unveils reforms agenda
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Prime Minister NarendraModi on Friday vowed to push through change at a fast pace but said subsidies should be continued to protect the interests of the poor. Addressing the Economic Times Global Business Summit, the PM struck an optimistic note to say, "The New Age India has begun its transition, from a winter of subdued achievement lasting three to five years, to a new spring that...
More »Solar mamas engineer energy security -Ranjan K Panda & Hema Yadav
-The Hindu Business Line To buck migration, the Barefoot College has turned to mothers and grandmothers to light up villages Satabhaya village, in Kendrapada district of Odisha, is barely 65 km from the district headquarters, but it can be called remote by any yardstick. Located inside the Bhitarkanika wildlife sanctuary, it remains deprived of basic facilities such as roads and electricity. Abutted by the Bay of Bengal, the village is the only one...
More »The next farm downtrend -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express It's likely that India's crop production this year will be lower compared to 2013-14, given deficient rains both in the southwest (June-September) and northeast (October-December) monsoons impacting kharif as well as rabi plantings. But that by itself needn't be cause for concern. We have seen one-off farm output declines even in 2009-10, 2004-05 and 2002-03, which were also drought years. What should worry us more, instead, is the...
More »India’s two-speed demography -Prachi Priya & Anuj Agarwal
-The Financial Express With 66% of its population under the age of 35, India is home to the largest cohort of young people in the world-825 million. The median age of the country is just 27 years, much below 37 in the US and 46 in Japan. Numbers like these suggest that India has a competitive advantage over China and other Asian countries-a demographic dividend. But favourable demographics do not imply that...
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