Have you heard of the Yangtze River Dolphin? For the longest time, it used to be found along 1,700 kilometres of the middle and lower reaches of the mighty Chinese river. The Baiji, as it is known, was white finned, a little over two metres long, had poor eyesight and relied mainly on sonar for navigation. A few decades ago, as populations along the river grew, as shipping traffic rose,...
Premature deaths by non-communicable disease high in India: WHO
-The Hindu India ranks very high among the nations struck by the rising wave of “premature deaths” caused by non-communicable diseases, mainly heart and blood ailments, the WHO said in its latest report on Wednesday. The report said that cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory problems, blood pressure and diabetes are an offshoot of growing affluence of the middle classes as well as worsening health conditions among people below poverty line. “Exposure to the...
More »Rs 19,000 hotel bill for ‘Gadkari sir friends’...by Amitabh Sinha and Johnson TA
*Rs 19,000 to Atria Hotel for ‘Nithin Gadkari sir friends’ on August 31, 2010. *Rs 44,000 for a money counting machine on September 9, 2010. *Rs 10,000 for the wedding of a journalist’s son. *Footwear for G Janardhan Reddy’s son. As the CBI pursues former Karnataka minister G Janardhan Reddy and his illegal mining activities, details emerging from the computers and diaries of close associates of the mining baron are providing investigating agencies a...
More »Civil society group target to improve mother and child health in Orissa by Aarti Dhar
Moving forward on the contention that reproductive right is also a human right, the civil society organisations in this backward district are contributing in their own little way to improve the reproductive and child health care. The Rogi Kalyan Samiti, as mandated under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), of the District Hospital here has taken up several initiatives to provide better facilities to the patients particularly for pregnant women. ``In...
More »A Bill that facilitates displacement? by R Uma Maheshwari
The foreword — to the Draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill 2011 — that says “urbanisation is inevitable” (I.p.1) signifies danger. The Bill, if enacted in its present form, is likely to worsen, and not stop, displacement of tribal, Dalit and other backward communities. The Bill states: “The issue of who acquires land is less important than the process of land acquisition, compensation for land acquired and...
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