-Outlook Mumbai: The Maharashtra government today suspended two police officers, including a Superintendent of Police, following the row over the arrest of two girls from Palghar in neighbouring Thane district for a Facebook post on the shutdown in Mumbai for Bal Thackeray's funeral. SP (Thane rural) Ravindra Sengaonkar and senior police inspector Shrikant Pingle have been suspended in the case, state's Home Minister R R Patil told reporters. He said action has been...
Only by amending IT Act's flawed Section 66A can we stop its misuse
-The Times of India Telecom minister Kapil Sibal says the Information Technology Act shouldn't be misused to "throttle dissent". But is he prepared to go the length to stop misuse? Consider the legal gloss Section 66A of the Act puts on assaults on free expression. Two incidents should suffice as examples. In April, a professor was arrested in Kolkata for forwarding a cartoon depicting Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee. More recently, a...
More »Over the top-Kalpana Sharma
-The Hoot The coverage given to Thackeray’s death by some television channels was overwhelmingly disproportionate to his contribution to people’s well-being. The comments made by the “experts” were toned by the fear of Sena reprisal, says KALPANA SHARMA. Can Indian news television plumb greater depths? The blanket coverage of Bal Thackeray’s death and funeral on some channels would make any self-respecting journalist hang her head in shame. What were they thinking?...
More »Assam Madrasa exam topper denied visa to make govt-sponsored trip to NASA -Sushanta Talukdar
-The Hindu They have not rejected it; they have simply kept Ratul Khan’s application pending: Education Minister Ratul Khan is among seven top-performing high-school students to win an Assam government-sponsored scholarship to visit the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) headquarters in the United States, but he has been denied a visa. Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Tuesday handed over tickets to the six others who won the first three ranks in the...
More »Facebook post on bandh: 9 held for vandalizing clinic in Palghar
-The Times of India Maharashtra Police today arrested nine people from Palghar for vandalizing a clinic, after the niece of the clinic owner posted a comment on Facebook questioning the shutdown in the wake of Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray's death. Two girls — Shaheen Dhada and Renu — were arrested over their post opposing the Mumbai shutdown but were granted bail after they furnished personal bonds, police said. "So far, we have...
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