-The Hindu ₹3,976 crore spent during 2020-21; ₹100 cr promised for vaccine development not allotted The PM CARES Fund collected ₹10,990 crore since its inception in March 2020 until March 2021. It spent ₹3,976 crore during the 2020-21 financial year, according to the audited financial statement posted on its website. As on March 31, 2021, the Fund had an unspent balance of ₹7,044 crore. The Fund was set up to deal with “any...
A Story of Intimidation, Illegality and (No) Right to Information in Gujarat -Anusha R
-Newsclick.in With the increasing political climate of stifled dialogue and dissent, a denial of information sought in the legitimate interest of the public, imposing fines, and subsequent ambiguity in the face of procedural safeguards is not just disheartening, but also dangerous. It is the year 2022, almost 17 years since the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) has been passed. Albeit, in a functional democracy, the emerging field realities would have...
More »Why are tomato and onion prices fluctuating?
-The Hindu The unexpected price shocks to onions and tomatoes are triggered by unseasonal rains and prolonged drought The prices of tomatoes and onions are the most volatile in Indian markets. The Economic Survey 2021-2022, released on Monday, explores the reasons behind the variations in the prices of these two staple vegetables. The survey argues that seasonality in production and irregular shocks contribute equally to volatile prices. The unexpected price shocks to...
More »Interrogating the false merit-reservation binary -Yogendra Yadav and Prannv Dhawan
-The Hindu The Supreme Court’s recent order advances an interpretation that is consistent with the ideals of equality, social justice The Supreme Court of India’s recent ruling on an all India quota deserves closer attention for a reason other than its impact on post graduate medical admissions. This judgment has the potential to settle a long, fractious and futile debate in our country: merit versus reservations. The order of the two-judge Bench,...
More »India risks being edged out of patent waiver plan at WTO -Jacob Koshy and Suhasini Haidar
-The Hindu Negotiations are at a “critical and sensitive” stage in Geneva, say sources India runs the risk of being excluded from a proposal it co-authored at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations, in 2020, to “temporarily waive” intellectual property rights (IPR) held, by primarily Western countries, on vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics for covid-19. Geneva Health Files, a Switzerland-based newsletter portal that tracks developments in intellectual property, first reported on Friday that “a...
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