-The Indian Express India's wholesale price inflation accelerated 7.23% in April, compared with 6.89% in the previous month, as food and manufactured items turned dearer, heaping pressure on the central bank against any dovish approach to monetary easing despite shrinking economic activity. The government has revised up the inflation figure for February to 7.36% from 6.95% estimated earlier, according to the data released by the industry ministry on Monday. Prices of food articles...
Mind The Crease-Lola Nayar
Pawar’s Report Card The Negatives Per capita availability of cereals and pulses has fallen in last eight years No improvement in irrigation, 60% of agriculture still dependent on monsoons Farmers growing cereals, sugarcane, oilseeds and pulses assured higher MSP, but majority don't benefit Production up, but not productivity. Farmer suicides are on the rise. Poor market advisory on exports being misused to buy cheaply from farmers and make profits overseas Pawar...
More »Software boost for silk sector-Roopak Goswami
-The Telegraph A one-stop web-enabled solution for silk farmers of the country was launched today. SILKS (Sericulture, Information Linkages and Knowledge System) was inaugurated by Ishita Roy, member secretary of Central Silk Board, Bangalore, today through video conferencing. It is expected to go a long way in addressing the needs and problems of silk farmers in the country. “This should be used as a tool for decision making and states should start working on...
More »The government needs to think out of the box to help pharma grow while keeping medicines affordable-Ramesh Adige
Having watched from the ringside for many years now, I have no doubt in advising that the steering wheel must be firmly grasped by the government and direction given to policies that should be stable for at least the medium term. This is crucial for the growth of Indian pharma, a $20-billion industry growing at an average of 12% considering both domestic and export arenas. Price control: The biggest and most...
More »Reaping gold through cotton, and newsprint-P Sainath
The same full page appeared twice in three years, the first time as news, the second time as an advertisement “Not a single person from the two villages has committed suicide.” Three and a half years ago, at a time when the controversy over the use of genetically modified seeds was raging across India, a newspaper story painted a heartening picture of the technology's success. “There are no suicides here and people...
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