-The Times of India With the Prime Minister himself taking up the broom along with his cabinet colleagues, BJP cadres and lakhs of government employees, the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) campaign got off to an energetic start on Thursday. But a look at the jaw-dropping dimensions of the problem makes one wonder whether Modi really has a chance to meet his target to clean up India by 2019? Here are some sobering...
‘Nearly half of world’s older people do not get pension’
-The Hindu Business Line On the day a ₹ 1,000/month minimum pension scheme was launched in India, an ILO policy paper report said that close to half (48 per cent) of people over pensionable age in the world do not receive a pension. And those who do get a pension, do not receive an adequate amount to cover for their health, and old age-related problems. "As a result, the majority of the...
More »Centre to refund LPG cost for mid-day meals -Neetu Chandra Sharma
-India Today Following the withdrawal of a subsidy for LPG cylinders by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry, the Human Resource Development Ministry will soon begin reimbursing Rs.752 crore that was spent on preparing mid-day meals in schools using unsubsidised cylinders. The Finance Ministry's Department of Expenditure had last year given "inprinciple" approval for meeting an additional expenditure of Rs.752 crore to be incurred during 2012-13 for procuring LPG cylinders after the...
More »A food system for the future -Paul Polman & Marc Van Ameringen
-The Hindu The world cannot afford to talk about hunger without addressing climate change, food production without sustainability or growth without good nutrition With the world's population predicted to reach 9 billion by 2050, we collectively face a dual challenge: ensuring that everyone will have access to affordable, nutritious food without decimating the earth's natural resources in the process. This is easier said than done. Our current food system is dysfunctional both...
More »More hot air at climate summit -Jairam Ramesh
-The Hindu India must recapture its capacity to proactively provide both intellectual and political leadership on climate change The United Nations Climate Summit just concluded in New York. Such a conclave was taking place after a gap of five years. Expectations were low even though public rallies took place before the summit. The usual brave speeches were made but there were no dramatic announcements. U.S. President Barack Obama outlined the country's plans...
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