-PTI The Lok Sabha ‘Questions Cell’ in a bulletin said the members are aware that as per direction 10B of the Lok Sabha speaker, no member can give notices for posing more than ten queries a day New Delhi: Lok Sabha members can ask only up to five questions per day now from the upcoming session of the House instead of ten allowed till now, said an official release. The Lok Sabha ‘Questions...
Elattuvalappil Sreedharan, 86, a retired civil engineer and famously known as the 'Metro Man', interviewed by Ramesh Babu (Hindustan Times)
-Hindustan Times E Sreedharan says he also doesn’t agree that the Indian Railways has made rapid progress. He cites that apart from bio-toilets, there has been no technical upgradation and accident record has not improved either. Having revolutionised the way urban people commute, Elattuvalappil Sreedharan, 86, a retired civil engineer, has taken up the challenge of laying down standards for the metro rail system. In an interview with Ramesh Babu, the ‘Metro...
More »14 lynchings in 10 states sparked by rumours of child snatchers on social media
-Hindustan Times The latest instance of a lynching triggered by rumours about kidnappers was in Tripura on Thursday. The victim was an activist hired by the state government to create awareness about misleading social media messages. New Delhi: Several fake social media videos and messages containing similar themes of outsiders stealing children have claimed 14 lives across the country since May 20 despite police warning people not to believe in such rumours. Scores...
More »Breaking down India's non-agricultural workforce -Roshan Kishore
-Hindustan Times According to the 2011 census, 45% of India’s total workers are employed in the non-agricultural sector. This number excludes those who work as either cultivators or agricultural labourers Employment generation (or the lack of it) will probably be the biggest issue in next year’s general elections. India’s employment challenge is broadly perceived as one of moving agricultural workers to remunerative jobs in the non-farm sector, and rightly so. With a...
More »Despite push for Digital India, just 25% adults used Internet in 2017: Pew survey
-IANS 78% of adults in India do not own a smartphone and 80% of the population in the country has no clue about Facebook or Twitter, the Pew Survey found. Despite talk of Digital India, only one-in-four in the country reported using the Internet in 2017, which is among the lowest in the world, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center. South Korea stands out as the most heavily...
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