-PTI Chandrakant Bhikan Deshmukh, a resident of Andarsul in Yeola tehsil, has sent a money order of Rs 216 to Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. He got this amount after selling 545 kg of onions in an auction on December 5. Nashik: After a farmer sent his meagre earnings from sale of onions in the wholesale market to the Prime Minister, another farmer in Nashik district of Maharashtra has adopted the same...
Onion Farmers Remain at Mercy of Market Ups and Downs as Prices Crash Again -Kabir Agarwal
-TheWire.in Farmers have been forced to sell at prices as low as Re 1 per kg, but the Modi government’s focus remains on controlling a rise in prices. New Delhi: Last week, Sanjay Sathe, an onion farmer from Nasik district in Maharashtra, made headlines. He had donated Rs 1,064 to the Prime Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund – the amount he had earned after selling 750 kg of onions. It translated to less...
More »Why 2019 could be first Lok Sabha election to be fought on farmers' issues -Yogendra Yadav
-ThePrint.in Not BJP or Congress, farmers are setting their own agenda for 2019 elections. Has the farmers’ movement finally arrived at the centre stage of national politics in India? And, can 2019 be the first Lok Sabha election to be fought mainly on farmers’ issues? I asked myself these questions sitting at the stage of Kisan Mukti March at the Parliament Street last week. Tens of thousands of farmers from all over the...
More »Nashik farmer gets Rs 1,064 for 750kg of onion, sends earnings to PM Narendra Modi
-PTI MUMBAI: An onion-grower from Maharashtra, who had to sell his produce for little over Rs one per kg has sent his earnings to the Prime Minister to mark his protest. Sanjay Sathe, a resident of Niphad tehsil in Nashik district, was among the handful of 'progressive farmers' selected by the Union agriculture ministry for an interaction with then US president Barack Obama when he visited India in 2010. Speaking to PTI on...
More »Kisan politics shows the way to a possible populism -Mukul Kesavan
-The Telegraph There is something heroic about tens of thousands of farmers marching and wringing concessions from a BJP state government The farmers’ rally in Delhi, the Kisan Mukti March, organised by the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) happened the day after the assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh and just before the assembly elections in Rajasthan. The politics of the rally was different from the politics of elections but the...
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