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How Jaya Devi used Rain Water Harvesting to Fight Naxalites & Moneylenders in her Village in Bihar -Shreya Pareek Bihar: She was just 12 when she got married. After this, she not only went on to change her life but also led to the development of her entire village. From fighting with Naxalites to planting trees and doing rain water harvesting, Jaya Devi is truly the “Green Lady” of Bihar. &NBSp; Jaya Devi was just 12 when she got married and 16 when she delivered a baby girl. Like many others,...

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Legal status, lack of coordination holding up Aadhaar and DBT -Ruhi Tewari

-The Indian Express The SC directive that Aadhaar can’t be made mandatory for any service — which the government can’t oppose until Aadhaar gets legal validity — has complicated the issue. On January 1, 2013, the Congress-led UPA government launched the Direct Benefits Transfer scheme, centred around the Aadhaar project begun a few years earlier. Teething troubles and implementation bottlenecks followed, the interest of the outgoing dispensation waned, and both Aadhaar...

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Government Procedure is the biggest hurdle in the growth of Community Radio in India -Suresh Ediga UNESCO believes that Community Radio has the potential to democratize communication & broadcasting. But despite the potential, Government procedure & control remains the biggest bottleneck for the growth of Community Radio in India. A mere 11% of the applications for Community Radio were accepted since 2012 by the Government. Community Radio hit the headlines recently after the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting reportedly asked all Community Radio Stations (CRS) to...

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Maletha refuses to be crushed -Rakesh Agrawal Dehradun: Maletha village in Tehri Garhwal is very angry. Men, women and children sit on the road in dharna, demanding that a stone crushing company grandly called Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram be evicted from their village. The villagers’ problems began in February 2014 when two stone crushers arrived in Maletha with their machines. Their operations created an ear-splitting noise and belched clouds of dust that settled on crops and orchards. In August, another...

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India's farm output falls for the first time in 5 years amid fears of drought

-DNA Govt gears up to ring-fence farmers, prices from poor rains India's farm sector shrank for the first time in five years in the year ended March 31, Union agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh said on Wednesday, a day after the government forecast a likely drought this year that could hit output again. The Met office cut this year's monsoon forecast on an El Nino weather pattern that has raised fears of...

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