-The Hindu For any law to truly liberate those trapped in manual scavenging, their numbers must first be established by a comprehensive survey Everybody declares with a full heart, and in a low voice, that it is a national shame. From Manmohan Singh and Pratibha Patil to Mukesh Ambani and Aamir Khan, the last mentioned a new convert to the Dalit cause, there is no dearth of people queuing up to take...
5 lakh vehicles added to city roads in a year
-Express News Service Dikshit releases Delhi Statistical Handbook, says city an attractive destination for all. With more than 5 lakh vehicles added to the roads in the last year, Delhi recorded the biggest jump ever in motor vehicle registrations. But as the number of vehicles increased, no significant change in road length was recorded in the Capital. The figures were made available when Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit released the Delhi Statistical Handbook, 2012,...
More »Land grabbing, officially -M J Antony
-The Business Standard No full stops for forcible acquisition, poor compensation Lawmakers have been tinkering with a new land acquisition regime for a cynically long number of years. However, there is no change at the ground level. The news that a displaced woman in Madhya Pradesh immolated herself last week, starting a Chita (funeral pyre) satyagraha, was buried below the fold in the last page of newspapers. Meanwhile, more and more gross...
More »New UN report finds rate of new HIV infections has fallen by half in 25 countries
-The United Nations A reduction of more than 50 per cent in the rate of new HIV infections has been achieved across 25 low- and middle-income countries – more than half in Africa, the region most affected by HIV – according to a new United Nations report, which shows that unprecedented acceleration in the AIDS response is producing results. “The pace of progress is quickening – what used to take a decade...
More »Greenhouse gas concentration reached record high in 2011, says UN report
-The United Nations The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a new record high in 2011, according to a new United Nations report released today, ahead of the start next week of the latest round of global climate changes talks. The UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which produced the 2011 Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, said that between 1990 and 2011, there was a 30 per cent increase in radiative forcing –...
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