Total Matching Records found : 6912

Maharashtra polls: all fronts and no back by P. Sainath

Will the Congress-NCP gain from a multiplicity of fronts which could dissipate the anti-Congress vote? Or will the Shiv Sena-BJP benefit from the Third Front’s cutting into the Congress-NCP vote?  Whatever the failings of Maharashtra’s political class, and these are many, a lack of optimism is not among them. Even after the last date for the withdrawal of nominations to the Assembly elections, there are more fronts, real and imagined,...

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'Drought in India worst since 1972'

India has suffered its worst drought since 1972, the official weather office said on Wednesday, with rains 23% below average at the end of the country's four-month monsoon season. "India's 2009 monsoon rainfall has been the worst since 1972," said a spokesperson for the Meteorological Department, P K Bandhopadhyay. In 1972, monsoon rainfall was 24 percent below average, he said, while other bad years such as 2002, 1987 and 1979...

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Bindeshwar Pathak by Mridu Khullar

As the 6-year-old son in an upper-class Brahmin family, Bindeshwar Pathak wanted to know what would happen if he touched a scavenger, one of India's "untouchables," stuck at the bottom of the country's social order and fated to collect and dispose of human waste. When he did, his grandmother punished him by forcing him to swallow cow dung and urine, and making him bathe in Water from the Ganges. "This...

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SRI method doubling rice output

JAMUGURIHAT, Sept 6 – At a time when the cultivators of Assam are spending their days in hopelessness and agony because of the long spell of drought, a new method of cultivation named SRI has brought a ray of hope to them as by this method Ahu rice production can be doubled. This new method of cultivation SRI (System of Rice Intensification) brought from Madagascar, has yielded desired results from...

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With better storage, imports can be avoided: Swaminathan by P. Sunderarajan

NEW DELHI: Agriculture scientist M.S. Swaminathan on Tuesday came down heavily on proposals to import foodgrains to tide over the shortage due to the poor monsoon this year. He said that if only the government had taken adequate measures to modernise foodgrains storage systems, such an eventuality would not have arisen. “The importers lobby would always be there to make profit out of poverty. But the government needs to take...

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