-The Telegraph The cash-starved panchayati raj ministry, which has been getting less than Rs 300 crore in the Union budget every year since its creation in 2004 to manage the 2.7 lakh panchayati raj institutions, is set to become richer by about Rs 1,000 crore this year. The Union ministry of rural development has decided to set aside one per cent of its allocation of Rs 99,000 crore to strengthen the panchayati...
Tribal haadi lacks basic facilities
-The Deccan Herald Diddalli, a hamlet under Channayanakote grama panchayat, lacks even basic infrastructure facilities. The labourers who planted teakwood trees under Neduthopu yojane of the forest department at Devamacchi forest in 1972 were shifted to Nagapura and Channayanakote in 1982. The forest department had alloted two acres of land for the labourers who settle down in the new place. However, Diddalli does not boast of anything that a civilised society can be proud...
More »PMEAC comes up with 3 pricing models to fix retail prices of 328 drugs-Khomba Singh
The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council has suggested a complex combination of three pricing models to fix retail prices of 348 essential drugs to balance industry's concerns and public health. The proposal, however, has drawn the ire of drug makers who say it is a watered down version of the health ministry's proposals. The council has proposed that for medicines facing "insufficient competition" or a monopoly-like situation, the retail price should...
More »As RTE turns two, monitoring division sans staff by Aarti Dhar
On Saturday last, as the government was highlighting with much fanfare the achievements under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 in the past two years, the RTE Division of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) — entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring the implementation of the Act — was virtually winding up. It all happened as the term of Kiran Bhatty, the...
More »Govt may amend Act to make Aadhaar data valid ID proof-Remya Nair & Surabhi Agarwal
Move could save banks significant money spent on record-checking and documentation In what could usher in an era of paper-less, real-time authentication, the finance ministry is looking into allowing online Aadhaar authentication as a valid proof of identity for opening bank accounts. The ministry is considering an amendment to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, or PMLA, to recognize online Aadhaar data to satisfy know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. This will pave the way for...
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