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Cabinet clears mineral Act; foreign companies can mine too -Anupam Chakravartty

-Down to Earth Government takes ordinance route to clear Bill, allowing foreign companies to bid for mineral resources The BJP-led Central government has cleared an ordinance to facilitate the auction of minerals, including ores used to produce iron, manganese and aluminium. In a cabinet meeting on Monday, the government approved amendments to the 57-year old Mines and Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act. Among other changes, the amendments will allow multinational companies such...

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Few takers for solar agri pump scheme -V Kamalakara Rao

-The Times of India VISAKHAPATNAM: The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ( UMNRE)'s eco-friendly concept of promoting solar powered water pumps among farmers in coastal AP seems to have met with a tepid response as only 200-odd farmers in the five coastal districts falling under the purview of the Eastern Power Distribution Company of AP Limited (APEPDCL) have evinced interest in picking up these pumps. A few months ago,...

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Universal healthcare: the affordable dream -Amartya Sen

-The Guardian Universal healthcare is often presented as an idealistic goal that remains out of reach for all but the richest nations. That's not the case, writes Amartya Sen. Look at what has been achieved in Rwanda, Thailand and Bangladesh Twenty-five hundred years ago, the young Gautama Buddha left his princely home, in the foothills of the Himalayas, in a state of agitation and agony. What was he so distressed about?...

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Improving an unworkable law -Sanjoy Chakravorty

-The Hindu For the land-acquirer, the land act ordinance tries to lessen the indirect price of acquisition and transaction by diluting requirements for social impact assessments and referenda. For the land-loser, it not only retains all forms of compensation and rehabilitation, but also grows the number of those eligible for lucrative pay-offs The government of India continues to search for the right way to do land acquisition. Last week, the Union Finance...

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Arvind Panagariya at Niti Aayog reveals Modi govt's disdain for public sector -G Pramod Kumar   Arvind Panagariya. The man is the message. When the 65 year old planning commission makes way for a putatively leaner NITI Aayog, the expectation is that it will change the era of centralised and top-down planning to a decentralised and participatory process. As expected, apart from the Congress ruled states, the move didn't face any noteworthy resistance. The Tamil Nadu government appeared to even rejoice its demise. However, what even the critics...

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