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Gujarat may replicate Amma canteen model -Aloysius Xavier Lopez

-The Hindu   It was in this city that Chief Minister Jayalalithaa asked at her election campaign not long ago, "Who is a better administrator? Is it Gujarat's Modi or this Tamil Nadu lady?" While this question may be relevant now because of the changes that have since taken place, it is striking that on Thursday, a team of officials from Gujarat who visited the Amma canteen said their State was looking to...

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Empowering women farm workers

-The Hindu   Kudumbasree members undergo Food Security Army training   Thrissur (Kerala): The smile on Sheeba Satheesh's face says it all. While working in farms, she had been diffident. "I have been an agriculture worker for four years, but lacked skills," she said.   The Food Security Army (FSA) training has inspired confidence in her. She and several colleagues in the Kudumbasree movement were a part of the FSA training conducted in the district recently. Says Celina...

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Chennai to host Asia-Pacific conference on family farming

-The Hindu   The regional consultation was organised by MSSRF in partnership with FAO Global experts will gather in Chennai for an Asia Pacific Conference for the International Year of Family Farming to emphasise the importance of diversified cropping patterns and integrated farming. "In the atmosphere of need to shift from food to nutrition security, the International Year of Family Farming provides a unique opportunity towards achieving this at the national and global level,"...

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A short variety jamun cultivation fetches good rewards -MJ Prabu

-The Hindu   Agriculture is a profession of patience. Apart from the time, labour and financial investment, passion is an important attribute to be successful. "An optimistic attitude is what sets successful farmers apart from the usual herd. Because a method might fail once, twice or even several times, but the grit and determination to continue trying the same can prove to be rewarding after some time. Mr. C. Jayakumar a jamun grower...

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559 farmer suicides in Maharashtra in four months

-The Hindu   Three farmers committed suicide every day from February to May this year Mumbai: Three farmers committed suicide every day from February to May this year, the Maharashtra Legislative Council was informed on Tuesday. State Relief and Rehabilitation Minister Patangrao Kadam informed the council that 559 farmers had ended their lives in these four months. "Out of the total suicides, 85 were due to natural calamities such as hailstorms," Mr. Kadam said. The...

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