-Outlook In MP’s Bundelkhand region, a sarpanch-babu nexus means NREGA benefits dry up for the poor The Paper Trail How social sector cuts are playing out in one of India’s poorest parts &NBSp;&NBSp;&NBSp; For the first time ever, in 2014, Rs 1,000 cr, of a sanctioned Rs 4,000 cr budget for NREGA, not given to MP &NBSp;&NBSp;&NBSp; In 2015, only a small part of the budget released for two months. NREGA top officials say funds always...
Pending cases in CIC pile up by 32 percent
Due to delay in the appointment of Chief Information Commissioner, the number of pending cases at the Central Information Commission (CIC) have gone up by nearly 1/3rd during the last 9 months. As per information furnished by the website of CIC (accessed on 29 May, 2015), the number of pending cases for disposal was 29,937 as on 22 August 2014, which after 9 months increased to 39,464 as on 22 May,...
More »Taking a Movement Forward -Khadeeja Amenda
-The New Indian Express HYDERABAD: When Gummadi Prabhakar went back to his village in Nellore, he went for his usual stroll in the fields. Amidst the familiar bird chirp, crunch of leaves under his feet and smell of earth, Prabhakar heard the happy tune – music that fill his ears only when he visits home. A realisation stuck him – he should compile these songs. This is how dalitsong.com, one its...
More »Soften the harsh realities of farming -Satvinder Kaur Mann
-The Tribune Transformative approaches to agriculture are the need of the hour. For this, we have to impart climate resilience and rehabilitate economically stressed farming communities of agriculturally developed regions. Since more than two decades now, farmers have been committing suicides in India, a fact that reflects the harsh realities of farming. Most of these farmers were traditional family farmers, leading a lifestyle based on traditions and beliefs. The intensive commercial commodity-based...
More »One Year of Modi govt: Bure din for social sector -Aruna Roy & Nikhil Dey
-The Indian Express Modi government has damaged the rights-based legislative framework without spelling out what will replace it. No&NBSp; one in the last two decades has come to power with greater euphoria than the Narendra Modi sarkar. It has taken less than a year for that euphoria to recede and change to disappointment. There are sufficient reasons for this change. The celebrations of the first year in office of&NBSp; this government are in sharp...
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