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Must cut dependence on debt, reduce subsidies: PM

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Saturday that the country needed to cut down on its dependence on debt to finance its developmental programmes and find ways to reduce the current level of subsidies. "The financing of the plan expenditure has depended far too much on debt. This must change," said Singh while addressing a meeting of the National Development Council (NDC), the country's top policy forum. To fund its...

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Along the food chain by MK Venu

Politicians, from the ruling party and opposition alike, are grappling with the problem of how to effectively communicate with their constituencies on the issue of high food inflation. One had thought it would be easy for the opposition to mount a campaign on rising prices against the ruling coalition, but it appears that inflation and its impact on the political economy is far more complex today than it was 10...

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Lessons from America & beyond by Biraj Patnaik

The National Advisory Council, led by UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, has come up with the muchawaited contours of the National Food Security Act. The NFSA, it is hoped, will become India’s flagship programme for tackling hunger and malnutrition, equal in scale and vision to the ambitious and highly successful Fome Zero Programme launched by President Lula Da Silva in Brazil. The UPA government is also hoping that the NFSA will...

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The most crowded nations on earth

Singapore is the most crowded country in the world, according to the Overpopulation Index. The index also finds that countries like United Kingdom, Netherlands and Switzerland are more crowded than India or China, which are the most populous nations on earth. The index was published by the Optimum Population Trust which has been campaigning for measures to stem the population growth in the United Kingdom. The trust has also sought strict measures...

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Senior FCI officials suspended by Gargi Parsai

Pawar asks FCI to take corrective measures Lack of godowns major problem With the proposed National Food Security Bill on the anvil, the Food Ministry has cracked the whip to eliminate damage to foodgrains stocks stored in the open, under monsoon conditions. Based on the findings of the Ministry's inspection team, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) on Wednesday suspended senior officials and sought explanation from top executives for improper handling of and...

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