Former Arunachal Pradesh chief minister and Congress leader Gegong Apang was granted Bail by Gauhati High Court today in connection with the Rs 1000 crore Public Distribution System Scam. Apang was arrested by the Special Investigation Cell (SIC) of Arunachal Pradesh Police on August 24 last for his alleged involvement in the scandal that took place while he was the chief minister of the frontier hill state in the North East. A...
Abused Naxal women seek Mayawati aid by Ashish Tripathi
Poverty and exploitation forced some tribal women in eastern Uttar Pradesh to turn to Naxals, who proved to be no different. Leading a pathetic life after being sexually exploited and abandoned by the extremists, eight tribal women have now sought CM Mayawati's intervention to help in their rehabilitation. Hailing from the Naxal-affected Kaimur range, which includes Robertsganj, Mirzapur, Sonebhadra and Chandauli, these women had joined the banned outfits between 2000-2005. Most...
More »Subsidy made state one of worst performers
The subsidy-driven development model of Punjab is one of the reasons why state is the worst performer in the country on economic equality front measured through Gini co-efficient. Not only this, revenue collection is the lowest in the country at 6.86% as against a national average of 10-12%. Subsidy is going to only the rich with peasants being pushed out of agriculture. It has come to focus as its reduction is...
More »'Remunerative price to farmers need of the hour'
The Central government should evolve a policy of announcing remunerative price for agricultural produces in advance to Bail out farmers from possible distress said Karnataka minister for rural development and panchayat raj Jagadish Shettar. Presiding over the function to inaugurate the Krishi Mela-2010 and Jilla Krishi Utsav at University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS) here on Sunday he said such a move on the part of the Centre would enable farmers to...
More »Sugarcane farmers seek hike in cane prices
The sugarcane growers in Orissa’s Ganjam district have urged the authorities of Aska Cooperative Sugar Industry (ACSI) to fix the cane price at ' 2500 per quintal at the field level during the coming crushing season. The factory authorities had paid '1700 per quintal to the cane growers last year. The sugarcane farmers want increase in cane prices to be announced before the start of the crushing season which begins from...
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