-The Indian Express The latest controversy surrounding the sedition case against cartoonist Aseem Trivedi has left the Mumbai Police with egg on its face. It has also exposed the force’s double standards and its misplaced priorities while dealing with complaints. Surely the police cannot believe that Trivedi’s cartoons pose a greater threat than MNS chief Raj Thackeray’s constant tirades against north Indians? Does it take a sterner view of anti-corruption cartoons than...
Is invoking the sedition law mere state folly or a sign that space for dissent is shrinking?-Sukumar Muralidharan
-The Economic Times "Sedition" is a legal construct from less enlightened times, when the sovereign power claimed a divine sanction and subjects were expected to live in awe and fear. So what is republican India doing, in its seventh decade, in bringing a charge of sedition against a self-publishing cartoonist with a propensity for scatology and lurid imagery? A convulsive attack of folly that the agencies of the Indian state have...
More »Aseem Trivedi's arrest shows an intolerant India
-Yahoo With the government trying to gag everything that criticises its policies or actions, the day is not far when India too will be seen as 'illiberal'. Bizarre. Affectionate. Eccentric. These are some of the adjectives that have been used to describe India, but never has the word 'intolerant' become a prefix to our nation. However, with the government trying to gag everything that criticises its policies or actions, the day is...
More »Anti-corruption cartoonist arrested for sedition in Mumbai -Vijay V Singh & Rebecca Samervel
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Kanpur-based cartoonist Aseem Trivedi (25), who surrendered to the BKC police on Saturday, was remanded in seven days' police custody by the Bandra holiday court on Sunday. Charged with sedition for insulting national symbols through his cartoons, he refused to engage a lawyer in protest. The cartoons in question are on the theme Cartoons Against Corruption and one of them depicts the national emblem as comprising...
More »‘Manesar violence a result of conspiracy’-Mohammad Ali
-The Hindu “The violence at the Maruti plant at Manesar was a result of a well planned conspiracy by the management which we could not understand at that time. The management had introduced bouncers in the factory in order to intimidate the negotiating union leaders on July 18,” said Pradeep Kumar (name changed), a sacked labour of the plant, while speaking at a convention on “Intensified assault on the working class:...
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