-The Hindu In the television newsroom, the promoter’s fancies and political preferences have taken precedence over editorial judgement The Zee “extortion” case in which the news network is alleged to have demanded Rs.100 crore in return for rolling back its campaign against steel tycoon Navin Jindal’s “misdemeanours” in coal block allocations (for the family owned Jindal Steel & Power Limited or JSPL), is a deeply layered story that deserves a closer look...
Why Journalists are covering rapes differently in New Delhi & Steubenville-Mallary Jean Tenore
-Poynter.org It’s not often that two stories about rape — one in India and one here in the U.S. — get so much attention at the same time. What’s striking about the simultaneous stories is how differently Journalists are covering them. The case in New Delhi involves a young woman who was raped so brutally that she died. The five men suspected of the rape now face charges of kidnapping, rape and...
More »Journalism in India’s Maoist Areas Face Multiple Challenges
-International Federation of Journalists A report titled Journalism in India’s Maoist Areas Face Multiple Challenges has been been released recently. To check the report please click here. ...
More »In rural India, rapes are common, but justice for victims is not-Simon Denyer
-Denver Post BANWASA, India — The teenage girl was overpowered by four men at a railway crossing near this village and bundled into a car. For five days she was kept, imprisoned and naked, in a windowless outhouse on nearby farmland and raped repeatedly. Despite its brutality, the September incident merited just a few lines in a domestic news-agency story about a string of such crimes in the northern state of Haryana....
More »Delhi Rape: Govt Probe to Cover Hospital, Police Response
-Outlook The inquiry ordered by the government into the allegations of the Delhi gangrape victim's friend of tardy police response will also go into the role of Safdarjung hospital staff in the treatment of the two. The probe by Home Ministry Joint Secretary Veena Kumari Meena will look into the allegations raised by the lone eyewitness of the December 16 gangrape incident regarding late arrival, non responsive behaviour of PCR vans and...
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